How to ventilate a nuclear fallout shelter
How to ventilate a nuclear fallout shelter

how to ventilate a nuclear fallout shelter how to ventilate a nuclear fallout shelter

Instead, stock your shelves with canned foods including fruits and vegetables along with long-lasting snacks like MREs. Perishable goods have no place in a survival bunker. Remember to switch it out every few months to make sure you have the freshest possible water when trouble arrives. Opt for jugs or bottles of water that have been treated to last longer than what you might normally find on a grocery store shelf. There’s no telling how long you might be stuck in your bunker so it’s important to have a large cache of water. Stocking your bunker with water is an area when many people come up short. Theoretically a person can last three days without water and three weeks without food. Water is more essential for survival than food. Calculate how many people will be down in the bunker and for approximately how long, then use that information to determine how much air you’ll use. You’ll need a system that will last for months and be able to withstand a storm or bomb going off. Installing a reliable air ventilation system in your bunker should be your first priority. You won’t survive long underground without oxygen. So what do you need to keep your family safe in the event of an emergency? A survival bunker could mean the difference between life and death. The threat of tornadoes and other dangers from above is a pretty serious matter for those living in certain areas of the U.S.

How to ventilate a nuclear fallout shelter